Archive for the ‘Episcia’ Category
Purchased this one on etsy. It blooms a lavender color. Very pretty dark green velvet leaves.
Mother Plant
Episcia Raspberry Patch. I also purchased this one on etsy. It has dark brown leaves with a burgundy center. Blooms red flowers, very pretty.
Episcia Jim’ Specialty. I puchased this one on etsy it is suppose to have dotted flowers but it mostly bloomed pink with a yellow throat with a few pink dots close to the throat of the flower. Maybe it will bloom with more pink dots when it blooms more.
I use to have Chocolate Soldier a few years ago and I lost it. So I purchased another one from two different places. Some how it doesn’t look the same to me. The Chocolate soldier I had didn’t have any pink on it. May be its the light it gets? Any way here are a few pictures.
below is a starter Chocolate Soldier in a 2.5″ solo cup

Ruby Red Dress
Another beautiful pink/mauve leaved episcia. I just love the episcias with the quilted mauve leaves; they are so much easier to grow then the other pink episcias like cleopatra, pink brocade etc…
The name of this episcia is Silver Skies it has silver tiny leaves and it is considered a miniature episcia. It is so cute and so easy to grow. Don’t let the picture fool you. This episcia can grow into a very large plant!
Below is Silver skies growing in a solo cup.
Episcia Karlyn is one of the old heirloom varities. It blooms orange/peach flowers with a yellow throat. The leaves are a brown/bronze color with light cream veins. I purchased this one in the late 70’s.
Below is a small starter plant of episcia Karlyn growing in a solo cup
The name of this episcia is Jim’s Golden Eagle. It has brown/bronze leaves with cream veins. Here is a picture of the Mother plant. I was told it blooms red/orange flowers. It ha sent bloomed for me yet, I am hoping it will bloom this summer. I will post pictures as soon as it blooms.
Below is a starter plant of episcia Jim’s Eagle growing in a solo cup.