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I purchased this begonia in San Antonio this year at The Southwest Begonia get together. The blooms are a peach/pink color and the leaves are light green with silver/white spots. It is a medium size compact grower.

Angel Wing Begonia Texas Love Affair

Angel Wing Begonia Texas Love Affair

As you can see in the pictures the leaves have a slight ruffled pink edge.

Angel Wing Begonia Texas Love Affair

Angel Wing Begonia Texas Love Affair

Angel Wing Begonia Snow Capped

Angel Wing Begonia Snow Capped

Angel Wing begonia Snow Capped has medium size leaves . The leaves have small silvery white spots. The blooms are

Shrub type begonia Brazilian Lady

Shrub type begonia Brazilian Lady

Brazilian Lady is a shrub type begonia. It has medium leaves and would grow well in a hanging basket. As you can see in the picture it blooms small sprays of white flowers. The leaves are a velvety texture brown/bronze with olive green veins.

Angel Wing Begonia u007

What a beautiful flower! It looks like a huge snowflake. This is another Angel Wing I purchased in; I believe in Ft Worth

Angel Wing Begonia u700

Angel Wing Begonia Ruby Lyne

Angel Wing Begonia Ruby Lyne

This begonia has very large leaves and the flowers are pink. It grows rather tall and leggy so you have to pinch it back. As you can see in the picture it has beautiful dark bronze leaves with a red backing and the blooms on it are huge!

I purchased this Angel Wing in Dallas at The Southwest begonia get together in 2011. It hasn’t bloomed yet; we did have a very hot summer and a drought last year and my Angel wing begonias struggled to stay alive. I am hoping it will bloom this year.

Angel Wing Begonia Crystal White

Angel Wing Begonia Crystal White

Teen Angel has beautiful silver leaves and bright green ribs. It almost looks like a rex begonia but it is much easier to grow.

Angel Wing Begonia Teen Angel

Angel Wing Begonia Teen Angel

Below is picture that I took outside of Teen Angel growing under the trees, where all of my Angel Wing begonias grow in the spring, summer and fall.

Angel Wing Begonia Teen Angel

Angel Wing Begonia Teen Angel


Bess Truman

Bess Truman

Bess Truman blooms large clusters 0f Pink flowers and is an heirloom. This begonia grows very tall and is easy to grow and root. Ive had this begonia for many years!

Angel Wing Begonia Sophie Cecile

Angel Wing Begonia Sophie Cecile

This is a very tall large growing cane begonia. This begonia also blooms large umbels of pink flowers and is an heirloom begonia. I have this one growing under the trees along with the other cane begonias.

Angel Wing Begonia Sophie Cecile

Angel Wing Begonia Sophie Cecile

Just wanted to show pictures of the cuttings I take off of my plants when I sell them on ebay. Right now I am selling Begonia cuttings on ebay.

Episcia and Begonia cuttings

Episcia and Begonia cuttings

Begonia Cuttings

Begonia Cuttings