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Archive for July, 2010

Begonia Paulensis

Begonia Paulensis

I purchased this begonia at the South West Texas Begonia Get Together in Ft Worth Texas in May. It is growing! What a surprise, I thought for sure it was going to die! When I was looking at the Angel Wing begonias one of the Begonia Society members from Austin told me to take at look at begonia Paulensis. She said it was a rare one; I told her yeah rare and hard to grow! She said she was going to get one any way so I thought why not try it. I am glad I did! I didn’t do any thing special to it except keep it in the greenhouse and it seems to like it there. It has beautiful almost round pleated green leaves. This begonia is a Rhizomatous begonia it is just so unusual and beautiful!

Begonia Paulensis

Begonia Paulensis


Episcia Nancy Gay

Episcia Nancy Gay

Wow what a pretty deep pink/burgundy flower. The picture doesn’t do the flower justice. It is just a gorgeous color. I purchased this episcia in March and it just bloomed today! I have been selling a few of them on ebay; very small starters. I put them up for bid at 99 cents. But when the bidding was done they sold for $12.00 + dollars. I just couldn’t believe it!


Episcia Showtime

Episcia Showtime

Episcia Showtime is just so beautiful. Just like the name says its showtime! Here are a few pictures I took of my Episcia showtime.The foliage is silver with a dark pink/mauve overlay and the flowers are a red/orange and bright yellow color. This is a very popular episcia it seems everyone wants it. I will be listing some on my website soon; but in the mean while you can look on ebay to see if you can find one.

Below is a starter plant of Showtime in a 4″ pot

Episcia Showtime

Episcia Showtime

Chimera African Violet Pinwheel flower

Chimera African Violet Pinwheel flower

Chimera is an African violet; but it is not propagated the same as the rest of the African violets. That is why it is more expensive than the other African violets that are available. It will not produce true from a leaf cutting; it will not produce the exact same flower color with the stripe on the flower. If you propagated by leaf the bloom will come out a solid color with no stripe or a combination of the colors of the flower but without the stripe!

Chimera African Violet

Chimera African Violet Pinwheel Flower

The flowers should always resemble a pinwheel pattern. The only way to propagate a Chimera African violet is by suckers or the crown. You can remove the crown and root it and wait for the top of the Chimera violet to produce lots of suckers where you removed the crown. Save the crown for yourself as this is the Mother plant so it can grow and bloom again.

African Violet Chimera

African Violet Chimera

I know this plant is not a begonia or an episcia! But I decided to grow something new! I use to grow african violets about 15 years ago and I lost interest in growing them because episcias were so much easier to grow; but lately I have been seeing these Chimera african violets on ebay and I just had to try a few. Here is a picture of a few

Rhizomatous begonia muddy waters

Rhizomatous begonia muddy waters

Begonia Muddy waters is rhizomatous begonia, it has dark ruffly crested leaves. Very pretty and it is a medium to large leaved begonia. My favorite begonias are the rhizomatous begonias. The leaves come in so many shapes and sizes; some as small as a nickle and others as large as an elephant ear. There are many rhizomatous begonias that are easy to grow; you can grow them on a patio or under trees. But there are also a few that are a Little picky, they either like cooler temperatures or high humidity. Once you start to collect begonias you will know which ones will grow in your area and which ones will not.

Bah boo and his flowerThis is our dog bah boo. He is so lovable and cute! He loves to play with this


Episcia Teddy Bear

Episcia Teddy Bear

Just wanted every one to see the flowers on this episcia. Isn’t it just gorgeous. I know the flower looks like the flower on lil lemon. The difference is the leaves. The leaves on this episcia are more of a bronze velvety texture with a light green center. This episcia has been growing on my patio. Episcias like very warm temperatures. I have been reading a lot of information on episcias and I still read that episcias are hard to grow. I use to think that also; but I finally decided to try growing them outside in the summer, instead of inside under lights. I still grow them inside in the winter; they hate cold temperatures.

Episcia Teddy Bear

Episcia Teddy Bear

Below is a starter plant of Episcia Teddy Bear in a 2 1/2″ to 3″ pot


Episcia Teddy Bear

Episcia Teddy Bear

Below is Teddy Bear in a 4″ pot ready to be transferred in a larger container.


Episcia Teddy Bear

Episcia Teddy Bear in 4" pot

Episcia Pixie Dust

Episcia Pixie Dust

I purchased this episcia at The Zilker Botanical Gardens in Austin, Texas at an African Violet show in March. I didn’t know what color it bloomed until now. Hopefully I will have a few to sell by the end of the summer; they are too small at the moment. I might list one of the small starters on ebay, just to see what people will bid for it. It is a very popular episcia; I get emails from a few people asking me if I am going to sell any of these soon.

Begonia Hot Tamale

Begonia Hot Tamale

This is a very easy Angel Wing begonia to grow and so pretty. The flowers are large and airy and are a fiery red color; that is probably why it is called hot tamale! The leaves are a medium size and the edge of the leaves are ruffly. This begonia is a good compact grower and is good for growing in a hanging basket. As you can see in the picture it is growing outside by the fence under the trees. It is 97 degrees out side right now in Texas. Let your Angel Wing begonias get almost dry before you water them again. Begonias do not like to be wet! Don’t worry if some of your begonias don’t look so good right now. Begonias do not like the extreme heat temperatures. When fall gets here they will look good again.

Begonia Hot Tamale

Begonia Hot Tamale