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Posts Tagged ‘Episcia Teddy Bear’


Episcia Teddy Bear

Episcia Teddy Bear

Just wanted every one to see the flowers on this episcia. Isn’t it just gorgeous. I know the flower looks like the flower on lil lemon. The difference is the leaves. The leaves on this episcia are more of a bronze velvety texture with a light green center. This episcia has been growing on my patio. Episcias like very warm temperatures. I have been reading a lot of information on episcias and I still read that episcias are hard to grow. I use to think that also; but I finally decided to try growing them outside in the summer, instead of inside under lights. I still grow them inside in the winter; they hate cold temperatures.

Episcia Teddy Bear

Episcia Teddy Bear

Below is a starter plant of Episcia Teddy Bear in a 2 1/2″ to 3″ pot


Episcia Teddy Bear

Episcia Teddy Bear

Below is Teddy Bear in a 4″ pot ready to be transferred in a larger container.


Episcia Teddy Bear

Episcia Teddy Bear in 4" pot